(New garland, for the shop...)
Gorgeous ART by Elina Minn
Another Finnish artist, with a huuuge talent...

I have some great news too...
1. The winner of the Giveaway is ALIVE! ;)
Just kidding...she was on vacation and finally came back, so i can send her the package full of goodies!

(A part of the Giveaway goodies...)
2. As you all know by now, i opened a little shop at Dawanda.
I am so, so happy and grateful i already sold 2 items!
(The small Paper Crane hanging is popular! It must be the lace on the wings...)
3. I discovered some amazing shops on Dawanda!
One of them is Lemoni...
Dawanda really is a great place.... definitely worth a visit,
if you're into places like Etsy! I swear you won't be disappointed...
Look at those fabrics and colours!

4. Be quiet, when you visit this pretty, pretty blog...

5. Lovelies...your packages are on their way...
This one to Heart in a cage!
On it's way to Nicole in the USA!
I truly hope my first 2 customers will be happy with their purchases!
Both with the item they paid for and the gifts i've sent them...I just love to make the packages ready, looking through my stuff to search for nice, little gifts and then wrapping everything up...
6. Some new stuff for the shop i just finished making.
Latest collage.
The garland you saw at the beginning of this post.
A set of 2 hairpins.
Both with a small flower 'cabochon', one of them with vintage lace underneath.
8. Let's NOT forget i went to the greatest Thriftshop ever today!
For no specific reason, i wanted to show you
my tiny, tiny box of treasures.
It's full of small things that are special to me...
or just have no better place.
Oh, and i forgot to tell you...
I bought the latest issue of Lula in London!
(I was very surprised there were still issues for sale!!!)
Of course, the lacey paper cranes are still in the making...
Lots of LOVE to you all
thanks a million for your support and amazing comments!
Yay first comment! woow!!
love all these little notes.
they are also greatly illustrated!
how r u?
I haven't been here in so long!
May I ask you where you found Lula in London (what store)? Because the last time I was in London, I could not find it anywhere. It would be lovely if you had the time to answer on my blog. Thank you! :) Have a wonderful day... =) (Sorry for my bad English)
hello !
your little shop is lovely ! good luck ...
lol it feels good to be alive xD i've really missed blogging!
wow, the package looks, AMAZING! I can't stop drooling over the giveaway picture! It's sooo much in there and every thing looks so lovely! Can't wait to get it dear! And I'm very sorry it has taken me such a long time to send you my address and such ^^
I love all the new things in your shop! They are all very lovely<3 I adore the garland it looks ever so perfect!
Lots of love
wow so much beauty! I can't keep up. It seems your creations are going well.
ah ik kan niet wachten! het ziet er zo mooi uit!<3 leuke dingen vond je bij die kringloopwinkel zeg!
Ik las vorige week op style bubble dat het gerucht ging dat Lula ermee ophield!:( Ik hoop van niet want het is echt een fantastisch blad!
wow everything is just so beautiful <3
I really love your blog and your photos!!!I invite you to my blog, maybe you would like to be my follower
The lacey cranes are adorable!! And I love your little box of treasures... I'll be following this lovely blog
nicola xx
p.s. I can't seem to find your email address on your page...I went to your shop but it says you only have 3 lacey cranes available, I'd love to order a lot of them and create a feature out of them in my boutique...absolutely in love with them! So contact me on nicola@tessies.co.uk and we'll try and arrange something
nicola xx
Hey lovely!
Your products look so beautiful, I especially love that collage - so good! xxx
wow, i LOVE LOVE LOVE that blue and white plate!! :)
mila, i am so sorry i havent replied - i did receive your message and started replying but have not been able to finish it.
i have not forgot about you though friend! have a lovely week! thanks for the get well wishes!
- danni
Those origami birds with the lace are too cute :)
As is everything on your blog though!
Beth xx
Hele mooie spulletjes!!
I love the fabric of those hearts. Your flea market buys look so nice. I love your blog.
Oooh, I love the new hairpins!
This whole post was just filled with
Love the way you package your items!
you always find and make the prettiest things (:
i love your little box of treasures. it reminds me of my multiple composition notebooks i design for each summer and school year.
Everything is so utterly gorgeous and just, ah, lovely! I think I've used the word "lovely" way too much in commenting your blog, but it's true!
Such beautiful images - thank you for sharing the joy x
Such beautiful images - thank you for sharing the joy x
For some reason, I am really loving garland right now. The one above is so sweet and beautiful!
my favourite are the little hearts :)
my favourite are the little hearts :)
oh, my! thank you so much for the link love! you surely made my day. :)
Mila, your blog is so beautiful.
I love it so.
i adore your lacy paper cranes!
<3 <3 <3 !!
wow, nice to see you're busy with the shop...should probably stop buy there and buy something now that you've added more things...and wow, what an amazing giveaway! so many pretty things!
Take care dear,
oh my gosh!
those are the loveliest thrift store finds ever! :) what luck you have!
also- that new garland is my favorite yet.
fabulous job miss mila.
your talent is showing.
your things are simply lovely, mila! :) and btw, i've tagged you! :)
Great artwork! So artistic.
Fantastic. Truly!
Love is just biology
my goodness i love the paintings at the top of the post and just everything its like candy
Your artwork, your etsy, your blog are just as lovely as you are as usual!
Oh my! What lovely pictures! i love those bowls with the little birds on them.
Hello Mila,
Long time no blogging,
but I just wanted to say your blog is absolutely beautiful!
It continues to inspire.
In the latest post I especially like the dressing table/drawer photo with colourful things on top, with the lamp.
everything is soooo pretty!
I really love your blog!!!
I love origami birds...
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