I am already looking forward to send the package,
that i will be packing with all kinds of nice thingies.
One of the commenters on my last post,
mentioned a giveaway (great idea dear!)
but i already thought about that myself too...
As i really LOVE to give people presents,
wrap it up beautifully
AND hopefully make someone happy with it,
I am organising this Giveaway!
Everyone can participate by commenting,
and answering the following questions:
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
2. What item do you like least and why?
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Let one thing me very clear!
I will NOT base the winner of this giveaway on the answers you are going to give. Those are only for my information, because i find it important to know your opinions about the things i made and want to sell on Etsy.
I will use that thing 'Oh hello friend' always uses for her giveaway's, that's called 'The True Random Number Generator' from random.org to decide who's the winner. So everything will be completely honest!
Now you want to know what's to win, right?
Well, the giveaway it's all about, will be a package containing at least this:
- A lacey paper crane or something with a lacey paper crane.
- A mobile / garland.
- A collage.
- A set of 2 hairclips i will be decorating myself.
- A set of nice paper, images etc.
- Surprises.
Of course i am not going to tell you everything,
because surprises are always better!
I will be posting what the package looked like when i am ready to send it off,
and when the winner received the stuff, i will be posting the items that were in it.
To already get you in the mood,
here some pictures from this amazing Flickr Group called Nice Package!

(GOSH! I am not really making this easy to myself, am I?)
1. Nostalgia Original Soaps, 2. Kind Over Matter Business Card Envelopes, 3. For the birds!, 4. CIMG6346, 5. Red + White Baker's Twine - sample, 6. CIMG6044, 7. Where do you come from?, 8. 70/365 Cookie packet, 9. CIMG6045
But I love it so much!
More, more, more!

1. Packaging, 2. in this handmade muslin bag...., 3. printable stationery set — purple tatting, 4. Untitled, 5. packaging: airmail., 6. mail from singapore: NanChel, 7. Gifts!, 8. Wrapped Gifts 2008, 9. Christmas present wrapping 2008
I will do my VERY best,
to make the package you will receive
just as pretty!
Oh, the things you will receive are not the things i showed in my last post,
it will be new things, i yet have to make!
The 'style' of the stuff, will be like what you saw in the last post, of course.
Coming Monday i will be going to London until Thursday, so you can comment and take part until next weekend (July 4th&5th). Then i will 'close' this and post the winner of the giveaway. Soon after that i will be sending the package to the winner. Of course i don't know exactly when it will arrive, that's depending on the country you're living in.
Please leave your emailaddress in your comment, so i can contact you if you are the winner!
Happy commenting and thanks so much in advance!
What a beautiful idea! Hope to be the lucky one!!
xxxxx Eefje
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I like the paper cranes mobile best. Especially the one with the tree branch, simply because I love mobiles and I love the mix of different texture/materials.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I love everything you showed in your last post. this is a really hard question.
Maybe the tags? Simply because I do not use tags usually...but if I had one of yours I would find a use for it that's for sure!
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I am not missing anything. Usually I just like things that make me smile and that reflect a certain kind of love from the creator. I like things that surprise me and reassure me.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Promote. Promote. Promote. that's my main problem with mine. (Also I got caught up in too much things beside my Etsy store...).
But I think that you have a big enough following on this blog to not have to worry about it too much. you are well known :)
I love everything you've shown and whether I am the winner or not I can't wait to see pictures of all the little things you will make.
Have a nice day!
Ohh, een giveaway, wat leuk! Oké, hier zijn m'n antwoorden:
1) De kraanvogels zijn m'n favorieten, 'k vind ze echt enorm elegant en dat stukje kant maakt het helemaal 'af'.
2) Oei, ik kan geen enkel item vinden dat me niet bevalt...
3) Hmmm, ik weet niet of je goed kan naaien? Rokjes of strikjes voor in't haar, of misschien juwelen?
4) Ik kan je geen advies of tips geven, maar wel heel veel succes wensen!
Die verpakkingen en inpakpapiertjes die je hier hebt gepost zijn ook zooo mooi. Ik vind het echt jammer dat er in onze maatschappij nog zo weinig echte brieven worden geschreven, er is echt niets fijner als de brievenbus opendoen en een dikke envelop met je naam op te vinden!
1.I love the paper cranes the most I think ^^ I love the lace on the wings, it makes them unique!
2.Oh I can't say that because I love all of it! Honestly!
3. Perhaps a pencil case!lol I really want a cute and special one ^^
4. Hmm, I've bought lots of stuff on Etsy but I've never sold anything so I don't really have any tips xD I don't think you will need them either because your store is going to be awesome either way.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why? i just adore the cranes with lace on the wings. so beautiful.
2. What item do you like least and why? i can't pick out a single thing, darling. i actually would be overjoyed to have any of them in my possession. it was hard enough picking a favorite.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop? i dont know that anything is missing.. but you do paper cranes so well.. have you thought of expanding your origami skills to other animals/creatures? butterflies or deer (would be a challenge- but a devine creation)
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure? no, ma'am! i think what you're doing will be a hit. it's all so lovely. i hope you continue to be blessed by blog readers and etsy finatics and all the inspiration you can handle. :)
email: birdsinherhair@gmail.com
fantastic giveaway love.
just fantastic.
Awesome giveaway!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
ANS: This is really hard to choose, you know. Ok, I'd have to choose the paper crane mobiles. I love the pastel colors and the lace detailing. I already know where I'm going to hang it if I win.
2. What item do you like least and why?
ANS: I'm going to answer this based on what I need and right now, I have plenty of clutches. So given the choice, that would be the on this list.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
ANS: I'm looking for a good vintage-inspired brooch.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
ANS: Do what you love. :)
gosh, I hope I win!!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I was instantly drawn to your paper collages. I love how you have them on a garland, too.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Honestly, I looked through your post several times. I even went nuts trying to FIND your etsy shop when I saw the post and then realized, you didn't have one yet. ;) I really can't say that I don't like any of your artwork. I LOVE your art, your taste, your style and the lovely items you pick out!
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
YOUR artwork. YOUR taste. YOUR vintage pickings.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
I've been selling on etsy for a couple of years now. I've been buying on etsy, too. I LOVE etsy. Promote. Links on your blogs, websites, etc... Give great descriptions. Excellent photographs. Fair shipping. Be yourself. Be honest.
I wish you the best of luck in your venture! Do let us know when you start to sell!
What a lovely idea, I want to open up an esty with sweet little things myself!
By the way, I think your blog is fantastic.
I can't wait for you esty to open.
I'm floored by how much thoughtfulness your putting in. It will be a real treat for somebody to open something that's neat and cute, wrapped real pretty. Care certainly adds so much to the experience.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
Ans: Crane mobiles~ their darling. Of course, I've seen crane mobiles, but yours are unique with their lace and such. I think that makes then all the more delicate and beautiful. They're certainly whimsical and I find them very inspiring- if I don't buy one for myself I'll definitely set out to make one.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Ans: Garlands- there darling, but I have a few similar danglies and I find them kind of boring.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
Ans: I'm always looking for bracelets. I often necklaces and earrings dominate esty. Some handmade bracelets with beads and vintage charms and such would be a gorgeous addition.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Ans: Don't over work yourself, sweetie ;)
Everything (including your ideas for packaging, which I adore) are so intricate you have to pace yourself so you don't find yourself slapping packages together. Though, I don't think you'll have to worry about that- you seem very thoughtful :)
Best of luck with your store.
Best of luck to everyone entering.
And to everyone, have a nice day.
Oh and thanks for hosting a giveaway, I love darling free things!
email~ zeefuulupoohki@yahoo.com
It's so nice of you to do a giveaway, you make such beautiful things.
1.My favorite thing was the journal. I dream of being a writer one day so I love to doodle. And it seems like it would make a perfect inspiration notebook.
2.I hate to choose a least favorite because everything was so beautiful, but it would have to be the vintage stuff. I'm such a klutz & I would be scared to break it.
3.I would like to see some nice hand towels with your decorations and lace on them.
4.You've come up with so many perfect ideas. My advice would definitely advise you to do your shop because the world would really appreciate your designs.
1. i do love your mobiles & vintage items
2.i don't honestly least like anything! it's all beautiful!
3. i would love to see mini collections with lots and lots of random things from all over that we can choose what goes into it. that would be could.
4. when selling on etsy, taking great pictures is key! i feel really insecure about my pictures sometimes.
1. I love your collages, paper cranes, and garlands. They would be so amazing hanging above a bed.
2. Nothing! Everything is absolutely cosmic!!!
3. I remember that you used to take gorgeous Polaroids....I would happily buy some of your prints.
4. Taking good pictures, and also a good banner. Sometimes I judge a store by its banner...
my email is dreamers.disease09@gmail.com
i so hope to win!!!!! :D
Ooh, this is exciting :D
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
The cranes. I've always loved cranes and I love what you've done with them.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Maybe the notebook. It's made beautifully but it's not my style. Very much a personal thing.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I'm sure some original paintings would be great!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Good luck! Don't be discouraged if you don't sell right away, even though I'm sure you'll be just fine :)
You are such a doll! Thanks for hosting a giveaway, was about to commnet on your last post how lovely these items are!! :-)
1. That's easy, the custom notebooks, having something so pretty to write in would be a good motivator to write more.
2. The breakable items, only b/c I am always scared they will break in shipping!
3. oh gosh, um... bookmarks. :-)
4. I am new to selling there myself so not too sure, post the new items on your blog when etsy is updated for extra exposure. :-)
Oh Soooo wish I can get this delightful, beautiful package!! ! I ignore 99.9% of giveaways but this one really gets my attention and confidence.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I like the "Paper Crane Mobiles" the most because the bird itself represent hope and love to me, and the layer of lace makes it elegant and unique.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I like Stationery and sweet clutches the least, because the shade of pink is too sharp for me.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop? I think your designs will be so great for antique jewelry box! With pieces of this and that. Photo album would be great too! Your designs reminds me of beautiful memories.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
I often shop on etsy, it's a very artisty place, I think it's important to love what you make and love your customers, have a more personal relationship with them, reply emails quickly and oftenly updated.
Your stuff will definitely get to the "feature seller" section, good luck. :-)
my email: carmen0042@yahoo.com
awww.. what a great post! giveaway from you would be fantasic! all the beautifully-detailed little things!
1. Paper crane mobiles. I always have a thing for them. they reminds me a lot of those Japanese movies and my childhood, I used to make them a lot and using them to send wishes to others :)
2. the tags perhaps? i am not sure about the prints. it's my own thing anyway.
3. a bottle with all the lovely decorations on!
4. Be adventuous, never feel afraid to experience anything new.:)
I sincerely hope to see a bright future in your Etsy.
Hello :-)
I'd just like to say that :
1) I enjoy your mobiles because they remind me Japan, soft things, sky, freedom... very beautiful !
2) I think that I like least the tags, maybe because I'm a boy... and they are very "feminine" !
3) I enjoy lovely notebooks such as Moleskine where I can write all the things I want, so lovely notebooks would be appreciable, cool, and welcome !
4) I think that you are very creative and I'm happy to see that persons still do such things with their own hands! Congratulations. I hope it will work, I hope you will create a lot of beautiful things, objetcs, papers, etc.
(ps : my mail is jyu_@hotmail.fr)
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
The paper cranes win this one, I have several handmade of my own, but none as lovely as those :)
2. What item do you like least and why?
There is nothing I dislike, I think the item I would be least likely to buy would be the collages, because I have nowhere to put them!
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I am always using a scrap of paper as a bookmark, something like your tag would be lovely transformed into one. :)
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Keep going with the style you have, it's very pretty and recognizable. And of course, good luck!
Sam x
Dear Mila,
I wanted to send you an email, but can't see an address anywhere, I don't want you to think I am leaving this comment just so I can win something, so please don't put me in the draw.
I have been following your blog long before I started commenting almost from when you started. You are like an art curator, each post filled with beautiful and inspiring things, it takes takes talent, and flair and creativity to put together posts like you do, not just anyone can do that. Every time I vist your blog I go away feeling inspired and the fact that it has done so well is testimony of your talent.
Now you have translated your eye for beauty and your creativity into making your own things and they are absolutely lovely, something special, and the more you do of it the better you will get.
I wish you would realize what an amazing and talented person you are, it just shines through in your blog.
And I wish you everything of the best in your etsy endeavour, I know you will do brilliatly!!!
hi mila,
it looks like you are very busy now creating and also finding beauty,
a few answers:
1. the crane mobiles are beautiful
2. not a think i wouldnt love to have myself
3. handmade note paper
4. stay creative,
love to you darling,
x ashley
How exciting!!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why? That's hard to choose, but I must say I adore the idea of craft kits. You give the person the tools, and they use it to make a dream :)
2. What item do you like least and why? Though I do like the name, Garlands of tears, because I worry they may not sell as greatly as the others. They are made with the prettiest of fabrics, but I guess it just doesn't appeal to me the most.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop? Oh! Photographs, that would be cool, or illustrations of some sort and writing pieces. I would be greatly fond of them, especially when combined :)
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure? Have fun, don't stress!!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
The lace cranes. They are very unique and pretty.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I was not feeling the decorated journals, but I feel that was because they just were not my sort of thing.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
Jewerly perhaps. I also feel that you should just make what you want to and are good at or it not fun anymore.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Promote and have fun with it.
oooooooohhhh!! I hope im not too late, i love packages.
What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
The Sweet, little tags
and customised notebooks, they are so lovely. Also the collages, love them
What item do you like least and why?
emmm!!! probably the 'Garlands of tears' they're really pretty but I just dont know what they are...
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
Polaroid pictures, i love polaroid pictures, im always collecting them.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
you dont need any tips, i think it'll be just fantastic
ohhh this is so exciting!!! nothing would thrill me more than to get a package from you filled with beautiful things!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I love the cranes (with the lace) and the notebooks the best because I would love to decorate my room with the cranes and i collect beautiful notebooks and put them on display on my bedside table (i rarely write in them because i'm too afraid my mediocre handwriting will ruin the gorgeousness of the notebook)
2. What item do you like least and why?
I didn't really like the collages because (and maybe it was just a bad photograph) they seems kind of amateur looking and I don't know what i would do with the collages.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
i think you should do illustrations (but i have no idea if you're a good drawer or not-i bet you are) but i'd love to have hannah muller-esque illustrations.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
i know this doesn't help you out any, but nope. hun, you're doing fine :)
congrats and best wishes on your etsy endeavors!
oh yeah, and my email address is:
thanks again for having this giveaway!
haha..dont be sorry for not visiting...there was nothing to visit. i took a two-month hiatus.
and btw, you said you're still awaiting your answer. umm...sorry but what are you talking about?
Just a quick note to say thanks for your message and I miss you too! But I'll be reviving my blog next week as I submit my thesis on Tuesday!!! I'm on my way to being a "Dr" :)
Hello Mila. How lovely to see what you have been up to behind the scenes of Loveology.
I think it's a fantastic idea to start an etsy shop.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I loved the cards that you made. I think the collages would be really great as wrapping paper prints and also for the cards. So that way it's not limited to just our own walls.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I think all the ideas are great, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to post the paper cranes.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I think your vintage finds are great. I think you have lovely taste in fashion so I would love to see you share that!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
I can't think of anything else at the moment, except, oh wait.. have you thought about making limited editing zines? Like loveology zines where you use your collages etc?
Hope my suggestions help. Good luck with all that. I'm listening to Michael Jackson at the moment. It's so sad!
sundari carmody
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
my favourite item was the "sweet little tags". i think they are very adorable, and versatile! it looks like you can put it on anything and add a nice little touch; the thing you put it on doesn't even have to match the design of the tag!
2. What item do you like least and why?
my least favourite is probably the "paperworks". you did a good job designing and adding to the photos, but the paperworks just don't fit my style.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
perhaps some clips, like paper clips or those binder clips. decorated, of course.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
advertise! :) and make sure the prices are reasonable:)
thanks forposting this great giveaway opportunity! hope you make somebody's day!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I would say out of your handmade this I loved the paper crane mobiles the most. Their unique and I believe they would give some's room alot of character.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I didn't really *not* like anything, but if there was something that didn't quite stay with me was the journals, as I dedcorate my own. Though it's a lovely idea. :)
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I'm not sure, but have you ever tried making lace roses before? I just learned and it's alot of fun and they could make a lovely pair of earrings or you could adoren your clutches with them. Give it a try!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
OH! I've heard it said by other sellers(I read alot of interviews there) that the etsy forums are great for adice and encouragements. Advertising too I believe.
Also, the treasury section. It's my favvourite place. Perhaps one day your cranes will make it there. I know I'd love to add it to one of mine!
With whatever may happen I wish you all the best and that you MUST send us a link to your shop once it's all ready. ♥
Thanks fot letting me know about this Mila! Great idea(:
1. You have made so many lovely things here, but my favorite is the purple crane mobile! I love the bold color and the pretty prisms!
2. I don't like this question Mila! If I must say something, I'd say the blue/turquise paper crane is my least favorite. I'm not to excited about that color. Pretty crane though!
3. There are so many things you could make,hmm..Perhaps other origami figures as well, in addition to the birds?
4. Other tips....I always appreciate beautifully wrapped and decorated packages, but I can see you already have thought of that yourself..
You have inspired me to sell my things on etsy as well...Can everyone join or do I need an invite?
Have fun in London!
I'm so glad someone else has read Shadow In The Wind! It's one of my favorites! And thanks for the tip about this giveaway I want to win sooooooooo badly. Unfortunately I always have bad luck with these types of things I hope the fates bend in my favor this time.
As for your Q's, here's my answers:
1. the leaf garland! having 3 or 4 would be so beautiful on the wall
2. honestly no least favorite
3. I love collecting doodles that people make for me and framing them on my wall. you should make some simple little drawings in your style for people to frame. maybe even just on found pieces of paper or something fun like that?
4. good luck! I'm a big supporter and you know I'll be promoting you on my blog when the time comes for your new shop to open!
Wow Mila, your very own etsy shop, how exciting and it’s so obvious that it will be a labor of love which will only add to it’s success!
All of your items are absolutely darling. I’m especially drawn to your collages as they capture the gorgeous dreamy mood of so many of your blog posts that I’ve loved. You have a gift for beautifully combining evocative images and phrases. I was thinking it might be cool to use an old typewriter to type out original short written passages of yours directly onto an item that will be part of the collage. Also, I’d love to see the personalized notebooks decorated in the style of your collages. They seem so perfect for gracing the cover of a book that might be used to journal one’s innermost thoughts and dreams :)
Well, I hope that’s helpful and I hope you are well dear! All the best with the opening of your shop! I do hope I win your giveaway, haha, I would be overjoyed!!!
By the way, thanks for your sweet comment too… always love to hear from you my dear!
(email - thriftcandy@yahoo.com)
oh my goodness, mila! you are so talented! i am SO excited for you, and for being able to visit the shop! hurray! :) here are my answers:
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
Oh I can't choose! Maybe the journals... but I also love the paper cranes!
2. What item do you like least and why? That is a tough one... Maybe the tears, but they are very sweet too! I can't pick one. I would be interested in all of it. :)
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I would love to see what vintage items you will sell (that aren't your own). And if you do make homemade clothes, I would buy them!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
You are a true gem, and I can't wait to see everything you create. I love your work, and am VERY excited for you, Mila!!
Blessings and love,
(naturally nina at gmail dot com.)
1. I wanted to say the stationary notebooks because I am a sucker for stationary! I love books and tags and all soprts of gorgeous things!
But..... THEN I looked back through and noticed the cute little crafty kits. I think they are adorable! and I looove getting a mix of stuff!
2. I like them all really, but I have to chose so I'd say the garlands of tears. I don't think there is anything wrong with them (they're adorable) but I like everything else just a little more!
3. This is a good question! ermmmmmmm.. and a really tricky one! I've got to say I love envelopes so maybe along with the stationary type things, you could make some gorgeous envelopes with all sorts of different materials, tracing paper, old magazine clippings, even fabric.. ooh but that would be more like a purse. Or maybe you could make purses that look like envelopes? that'd be cute!
4. If you aren't sure about the pricing or size (or the pictures too blurry) about an image, definatly wait it off. Add it to favourites and wait a couple of days, maybe up to a week depending on how strong the doubt is, and if it's still there then its right, and you should go for it! :)
whoops i just realised question 4 was about the selling more than the buying! doh silly me!
I'm not much of a seller But I'd say advertise, and get into blogging. comment on other blogs to get more well-known. xoxoxo
Hi sweetheart, here i am!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
A: the notebook and inspiration collage board, and those so very lovely vintage stuffs.
2. What item do you like least and why?
To be honest, no.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I think anything you made (handmade) is perfect. I want to buy your polaroids in particular.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Well...I can't wait to see you etsy shop.
1. Ik vind je customised notebooks erg mooi. Maar ook the paper crane mobiles. Vooral met kant.
2. Moeilijk, eerlijk gezegd geen één. Echt niet!
3. Zelfgemaakte of vintage sieraden. Wellicht ook kleding???
4. Mooie foto's maken, maar dat lijkt me voor jouw geen probleem. Ook reclame maken op andere blogs, die iets over jouw te etsy winkel posten. Bijvoorbeeld als ze iets gekocht hebben.
Mijn email is Robine_van_Bakel@hotmail.com
ooh i love givaways :D
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
*i love the pink clutch ag with the lace part in the middle because it is just so delicate and girly and really vintage looking*
2. What item do you like least and why?
*this one is so hard i can honestly say that i can't choose*
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
*maybe more accessories and things like bags, jewellery and hair accessories?*
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
*i'm so excited about your etsy shop good luck with it all i'm sure it will be very successful and my tips would be to promote it as good as you can, make blog posts showing new stuff in the shop etc*
and finally my email is suzannah_rose@live.co.uk
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
**I like the papercrane mobile the most, because it's very elegant and original. And you are right, you can decorate them in many ways, so they will attract a lot of different people.**
2. What item do you like least and why?
**The garlands of tears. I think it looks a little too fragile.**
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
**I'd love to see some old school writing paper! :D (briefpapier) I like your style a lot, I'm sure you could come up with a nice theme for that :D **
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
**Do what feels good for you. I read that you sometimes feel insecure about the things you make, but the fact that you put effort and love in it, means that it is special! :) "
Ahh who can pass up the possibilty of surprise mail!!
1. I really like the paper crane mobiles-so airy and delicate, i could see these being hung in so many different places around the house
2. oh man-tricky!! I might have to say the little box of hair accessories, but only because i think i would be a little apprehensive to buy that sort of stuff online, otherwise everything is too cute!
3. I really like your collaging style, maybe if that was elaborated i bet you could make some really lovely paper pieces
4. Everything you've shown seems so sweet and whimsical, good luck!! x
i love the sweet paper cranes and the inspiration line.
i think everything you posted is adorable!
a paper crane garland?
i'm interested to see what others say here as i am considering a shop as well. :)good luck!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
Paper crane mobile because it makes me happy and I could find room for it anywhere in my house.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Stationary, but only because I have so many boxes of stationary that I never use. They taunt me, but I'm an email girl all the way.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
Coasters! Kinda off-the-wall, but I would love some soft, feminine, handcrafted coasters. Everything I find is tacky, bright, and/or logo-ed.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
I've never done anything like that before, so all I can say is kudos and good luck!
Ah, lovely giveaway! :)
Here is my entry!
1. I really can't decide between the paper crane mobile's and the
'Garlands of tears' - they are both SOO lovely!
2. Honestly, i hope it's okay to say this, there really wasn't anything I did not like! everything was so cool and i really like the concept between the part vintage/part handmade.
3. Some art pieces? You have such amazing design style.
4. Just take GOOD pictures and provide good information ;) the pictures really sell the product. and of course, PLEASE feel free to email me with any questions you have!
Hope you're having a great trip in London! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
oh, hello friend.
Oh my goodness, you're opening an etsy shop? No way! That is beyond awesome.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
The cranes I think, the lace makes them so unique. Or perhaps the vintage stuff because I'm a little vintage obsessed. Hmm.
2. What item do you like least and why?
I don't know! There's a picture of some hair grips, so I guess I'll say those because I'm lazy and I never do anything with my hair!
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
Pillows, because I saw some of your pillows and fell in love!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Not much to say other than when's it going to open? ;)
That little wooden owl is super adorable!
Ik ben gelijk beloont voor het idee regelmatig te gaan hardlopen, want tijdens een van mijn eerste rondjes door het Haagse bos ben ik dat ene tuinhuisje waar ik je naar vroeg tegengekomen! Mocht je zelf nog willen weten waar het staat:
Als je vanaf het malieveld het bos in gaat, neem dan na de eerste brug gelijk het eerste weggetje rechts.. Doorlopen (fietsen) langs het water, en een stukje voor de autoweg weer begint staat 'ie aan de overkant van het slootje in iemands tuin!
Succes met je shop! X
You're so talented!.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
Paper crane mobiles are my favorites , they look so interesting ( i wish to have some hanging round my lamp, they wood look so cute)
2. What item do you like least and why?
I love everything in your last post. Maybe 'Garlands of tears', because these are the simplyest and plainest things.Although they do look good.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I'm not missing anything. I love your creation they are so feminin.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
"Although i don't see myself as an artist at all and am quite insecure sometimes about the things i make,.." I see you as greate artist and you shouldn't be insecure at all , your creation is so nice, beautiful and special . I wish to have the money to order them all :D , Your awesome. know it
I adore your blog .
Tag! You're it! The directions are here http://umama143.blogspot.com/2009/07/tag-youre-it.html
Please play along!
that wooden owl! I have the exact one at home, it's just a dark wood tone with varnish and no paint. My mum gave it to me and my grandma gave it to her, I'd love to know where it came from. Do you know the origin of yours?
1. favorite item: ...i have two. (hehe). the solid colored cranes w/ lace lining- ex: the turquoise one. (see #3 answer for what i'd use them for!) & 2nd the bird in branch white cutout on brown paper- i would use this as a journaling gift for a friend.
2. least fave: maybe some of the tags? only because i don't have a purpose for each one yet... but i'm known to hold things as long as need be to find it's one true purpose.
3. what to add?: i would love some sort of crane/branch combo to be used in a tall vase for home decoring... if it's not efficient to provide the branches you could still totally make one yourself & use it as one of your etsy pics to help 'sell the idea'.
4. when you 'set up shop' make sure you don't short sell each of your uniquely collected items... feature them well for what they are and what they could potentially become in the new owner's life. :)
best of luck... always love what you do & smile lots!
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I really liked the teardrop-ish garland. I love almost any garland, so that's why.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Hm. Probably the cranes, but I don't dislike them, I just don't respond to paper cranes much.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I don't believe I'm missing anything...the good thing about etsy is that people make what they are good at making, so you get the best stuff.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
I don't have an etsy, so I have no tips, but good luck!
Wow, your paper cranes remind me of this novel I read cale d"Cathy's Book", and this man bewitched the papaer cranes to fly and deliver message, in the seqel. You seem v. gnerous to give away such beautiful creations.
. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I love those paper cranes! Especially the ones with the lace. Very elegant and well made.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Not that I hate it but I'm least interested in the garland simply because I will find no use for them.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
It would be great if you sold handmade jewelry, hair accessories like bows or headbands. Cute little notepads, sky is the limit!
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Come up with a great banner because I'm initially attracted to that when I see an Etsy store. Your pictures should be of high quality, not too busy. Let the beauty of your creations shine through.
This is really a great way to promote your upcoming Etsy shop! I wish you all the success and luck!
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
I LOVE the paper crane mobiles! So pretty, and so many possibilities. I think these would sell well on etsy.
1. What Etsy item from my last post do you like the most and why?
I love the paper cranes. The lace on them looks lovely.
2. What item do you like least and why?
Probably the collages. I'm not a big fan of fashion cut outs.
3. What kind of item are you missing and think would be great to also sell in the coming Etsy shop?
I love cushions covers.
4. Do you have any other tips, comments or anything considering the Etsy adventure?
Don't expect it to take off straight away. It takes some time to get 'noticed' - forums, other marketing (eg Facebook) and lots of relisting which can be costly.
Good Luck!
1. Absolutely the paper crane mobile. I've been wanting to make one for a while, but just moved to Guatemala and can't seem to find really great paper.
2. I love everything equally.
3. Since my arrival here in Guate, I have become obsessed with the Quetzal bird. It is so pretty with a long colorful tail and I would love to have some sort of artwork with a quetzal.
4. I can't really comment much on an Etsy shop as I don't have one myself, but I do think that having great photos is essential.
I just found your blog from oh, hello friend's link. It's so sweet of you to have this amazing giveaway! I'm thinking about starting an etsy shop, too, and have been racking my brain for good ideas. I'll have to copy you and have a post on my blog!
To answer your questions:
1. The mobile! Especially the second one. Oh my, that is lovely! It makes me wish I had a little girl so I could hang it above her crib! The vintage items are really sweet, too!
2. The collages. They have never appealed to me much, and being a symmetrical person, they kind of bug me. :)
3. Other papercrafts like your cranes would be great! Origami, maybe cut paper, stationary or cards using that talent.
4. Well, having yet to start an etsy shop, I don't really have any advice to give, but good luck!
email: thereisbeautiful@gmail.com
I love your site -makes me so happy and inspired!
1. The things I like the most are the pretty kits, because they feel so creative and the owls, b/c they're so cute. I also fancy the hairclips, tags and clutches...
2. Couldn't say there's anything I don't like.
3. Maybe you could include some letter papers or decorated boxes. Old tin boxes are some of my favorites :)
good luck with your store! Fredrika
I see that you've got an illustration by Caitlin Quiet there! I love her work, and just ordered my first one.. can't wait to receive it.
I'm loving the prettiness of this post and the blog in general, great work. Will check out your etsy store :)
Still in love with your blog:)
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