I hope you are all fine and you all had a wonderful weekend, full of joy, lauhghter and LOVE...
This post is nothing special.
I just wanted to share some quotes and pictures i found about 'Love'.
I don't know why. Maybe because love is (or should be) all there is.
Love hurts, but love also loves...
That's all for now.

Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who’s in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It’s like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven’t seen in a long time.
~Haruki Murakami~

It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces

I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient.
~Anna Quindlen~
And this....this is, at the moment, one of the most painful things i've ever read.

It is easier to fall in love with the man in the photograph
than it is to love the man who desperately wants your affection.
Because, when all that is around you looks gray, dark and broken,
the man in the photograph makes everything look beautiful,
even if he is crying too.

(All quotes with names under them come from here
Pictures from here.)
nothing special, are you killing? so beautiful Mila, all you need is Love, Love, Love forever...thanks for sharing these pic
"We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
one of my favorite quotes about love...coming from none other than angelina jolie.
Thanks sweeties!
Haha, never thought Angelina Jolie would come up with such an inspiring quote... ;)
again, such perfect posting.
Beautiful! Just want you to know you can use my pictures any time :)
These are gorgeous. And you are right, all there should be is love- it is the only thing that really, really matters, and it is the only thing that will fix anything.
I hope your weekend has been full of love and wonderfulness.
x's and o's love!
i don't know what to say about.
it still leaves me confused up till today.
i think it'll always remain as a mystery to me.
maybe until i get my "ending"..
another great post, mila. i hope you have a lovely week too!
awesome! :) I love reading your blog
it's funny...
love is supposed to be this beautiful thing, that overwhelms you leaves you with no choice than to fall right into it.... however, love scares me.
i wish it wouldn't.
it's funny...
love is supposed to be this beautiful thing, that overwhelms you leaves you with no choice than to fall right into it.... however, love scares me.
i wish it wouldn't.
I really liked the Murakami quote; it makes me want to read his work.
"Love indeed! Whoever invented love ought to be shot"
Nancy Mitford
this post is love.
x ashley
really pretty stuff, mila=)
Hello dear,
how have you been? This is an amazing post and I have tagged you with the "seven random things about me" tag.
Hope you had a lovely weekend!
Love the quilt photos so much, love the Anna Quindlen quote, and love to you sweet Mila <3
beautiful post.. and i always love the quotes you put up as well as the music you have playing.. it goes so beautifully with your blog's contents. :-)
beautiful post.. and i always love the quotes you put up as well as the music you have playing.. it goes so beautifully with your blog's contents. :-)
i looove this -> "It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces"
thank you for your gorgeous blog. you are a beautiful person. I´m from portugal. sorry i can´t speak very well english:( Kiss
all of these photos give such a nostalgic feel for me. gorgeous post!
Beautiful pictures and beautiful quotes, just my cup of tea, I love the mix, and gosh all the pictures are so inspiring I think I'll have to save them all! :)
Lovely post, as always, my lovely girl! And hope you're having a lovely day! <3
wHat is love?..i wonder who truly knows..heres my favourite quote on love-
isnt it ironic? we ignore who adores us,adore who ignores us,love who hurts us & hurt who loves us
its true..the qoute i mean..hows your weekend?..=)
this post was beautiful! =) thanks so much for making me feel hopeful about love and the world... Is it alright if I add your blog to my blogroll? thanks! really love your stuff...
Why do you find those sentences painful? Do you wish to run away from yourself?
Hugs from
And what melancholic pretty music it is playing in your blog...
This is some good stuff... Thanks for posting these..
you spread love mila.
this is simply beautiful.
love is what makes the world go round.
where would we be without it?
i think the biggest gift we can give someone is to listen.
BUT # 2 is love ;)
thanks for being SO inspiring my girl.
I have missed all your loveliness.
amazing as usual <3
i love the quotes with all the little pieces of heart, so cute !!!
great post. i love LOVE!
Such lovely, inspirational photos! Love the 2nd and last ones.
Oh, don't we all love love? The good and the bad kind.
I was starting to get worried about you, but I'm glad you're back.
of all the wanders in this world...it'll all come down to one simple thing...love...isnt it??? delightful post :)
I love reading your blog. It seems like you're going through some heartache... hang in there...
I cannot get enough of your blog.
It's so calming.
I know I say that all the time, but you seriously have a gift!
awh love is lovely!
the pictures are sweet<3
i hope you dont mind, but i wanted to use one of these pictures. ill link you for it.
Hey, something is wrong with your site in Opera, you should check into it.
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