It's been a while since i visited Etsy.
I guess it was a sort of a wise decision to not visit Etsy for a few weeks, because i was seriously addicted and i stared at my laptop for hours and hours when i visited this great DIY walhalla.
This morning i decided to dare a visit again, because i am looking for some cute things, and some things are just way better when they are home-made by a creative person from somewhere in this world.
I just love the idea of getting a package with a great selfmade item from someone who really put effort in it. And of course i love to support this creativeness by buying things from Etsy.
(When i get a package from an Etsy seller, it's always so beautifully wrapped and so very personal with sweet cards....i love that!)
I thought it would be nice to share some of my finds with you.
First of all, i am looking for a feathered headband.
This seller sells the greatest headbands with the most beautiful feathers, but unfortunately a little bit too expensive for my budget.

Second, everything felt.
I don't know why, but i am a little bit in love with everything felt lately.
A few months ago i bought this great wallet from a very sweet Etsy seller and i am still very happy with it.

Some felted things i love...
Felted and flowered headband, by this seller.

Oooh, and look at this sweeter than sweet onesie from the same seller.
(See, i see to many things when visiting Ebay.....i totally lose control....i am NOT going to but this one, i don't even have a baby!)

Felt bunnies!
From this seller.

Isn't this owl, from this seller, to die for?
(Since my sister is giving birth to her first child in about six weeks i am getting more and more into children's stuff, but to be very honest, i already was before i knew she was pregnant.) I am really the only one?

This seller sells the greatest thing, lots of recycled stuff and felted buttons etc.
I'll definitely place an order when i started my sewing lessons and begin creating things.

Oh, let's not forget about another wallet i am looking for. You can never have enough wallets, not only to put money in, but to put all sorts of tiny things in...
These two, from this seller, are lovely.

These two, from this seller, are slightly bigger and also lovely (when you're into flowers like me.)

Now, the vintage dresses, your favourite category?







Of course, there is lots and lots of other great and original stuff on Etsy, but i will do another post about that soon.
I am off to my mom now, to work on the beautiful 'thing' we are making for the baby.
It's gonna be great...i am so excited!
And once again, thank you all so much for the very sweet comments you give me.
It means so much to me to know this blog is appreciated and you really like it.
That's what i am doing this for (and because i love to do it, of course!)
Thanks again, lovelies! <3
Allemaal erg mooi!
Ik vind het ook erg leuk voor je dat het nu zo goed gaat met je blog!;)
i adore the feathered headband!!
Cute stuff!
can i give you a hint about that middle/brown feathered headband? i bought the exact same feathers at michaels for $5. then i went to the dollar store and bought something with a barrett, then i glued the feathers to the barrett. cost a total of $7.
eh Mila
I didn't comment a few day ago, I left in week end with a friend. You share beautiful things, I forgot if I did a comment in your post about living room, I love it! kiss Mila!
I love those feather headbands, i've been looking for one for an age!! Thanks
I never go on Etsy because there are too many cute things there and it's like overload for my little head! I love the elephant dress.
TAG! You're it!!
Visit my blog (www.strawberry-season.blogspot.com) for the new meme I have tagged you with!
HOpe you participate!
<3, Jane
I like Vintage Dress #5! <3
oooohhhhh... so many pretty things. etsy is dangerous ;)I love the feathers!
Mila is so great to be back! of course I´m enjoying your blog again, I´m so happy! I think someone should open a kind of help addiction etsy group hahah, I would go for sure!
I visited etsy today too, after not visiting for so long. I used to do regular posts on etsy finds and i realised i haven't done one for ages.
great finds by the way. i love the feather headbands.
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