He's waiting for you....
I made another polaroid today, oh yes, i can't stop!
When developing (left) and the same picture, made with my Samsung digital cam.
I am loving the polaroid so much more....
Maybe you've already seen it, but i made myself a Flickr account.
I wanted to do that for a while now, mainly for being able to comment on gorgeous pictures on other people's Flickr's.
I also put some of my own pictures on it, but most of them I've also posted on this blog, so nothing really new for now.
Yesterday evening i wasn't able to stop flipping the Flickr pages of many great photographers. Flickr is sooo big, it's amazing!
Of course i already saved some of my favourites, so here is a little selection of pictures that truly tok my breath away.
(God, i have so much to learn...)
1. I think this may be my favorite..., 2. Machine's Night Out, 3. nothing;, 4. vogels, 5. Cuban Waiting for Better Times, 6. classic beauty, 7. Sunday, 8. in space and in time, 9. in detail, 10. paper paper, 11. all gone, 12. signs of life, 13. Balenciaga, 14. a magic afternoon, 15. jongensdroom, 16. leeg, 17. hasselblad mallorca no. 4 - dreams, 18. dress, 19. the sky moves faster at this time of year, 20. Untitled, 21. Shared hair, 22. Untitled, 23. cranes pt 2, 24. birds & lingerie, 25. peoniesgroupportrait2
Aren't these amazing?
And there's so much more. How many hours can spend a person looking at Flickr photographs?
If you also have a Flickr, i'd love to see it, so let me know if you want to leave a comment!
I got so enthusiastic about photographing again, that i also made some pictures with my digital Samsung camera. It's nothing special, just some things in my house that i liked to take a picture of.
(I am also planning on using my old analog Canon camera again..)
If you kind of miss the interior and fashionposts, don't worry!
There will be some soon...
Weeral een mooie polaroid, je maakt me ook helemaal excited om het te proberen! Misschien ooit een keertje. Maar kan zolang nog genieten van jou polaroids.
what a wonderful collage of photographs!
flickr is amazing - that's where i get a lot of my blog images.
it's great because i feel like i'm helping artists get exposure by linking to their work.
wondering if you'd like to trade links?
leave me a comment if you'd like to :-)
Mila, thank you for your comments- you can use anything you find on my blog on your blog- By the way we seem to be simpatico with the long limbed cuddle toys- my monkey (just posted) looks very like your floral one!
youre fantastc
this is so inspiring, your blog,
it makes me spin and dream
I've also made a flickr account recently, I'll add you to my contacts :)
Don't you just love playing around with polaroids? I love looking at them when they develop - it really is like magic.
You have a really nice dreamy like home decor...love to see more of it on your polaroid :)
Um, I believe the answer to "how many hours can a person spend looking at flickr photographs?" is way WAY too many!
Your flickr favorites are so gorgeous! Why am I not surprised ;) I'm going to add you as a contact right now.
actually, I enjoy this post as much as a fashion post. so gorgeous and refreshing!
Je hebt prachtige hoekjes/spulletjes om polaroids te maken! Mooie post.
You have so many lovely, delicate, feminine things in your home. Such a nice idea to take pics of your favorite things...
Ik sta er maar liefst 4 keer tussen en ik ben erg gevleid! Dankjewel Mila. Ik ben nog steeds verliefd op je blog, en de liefde wordt met de dag groter!
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