Dear, dear readers,
First of all: i am sorry i have been ignoring this blog for more than a week now. And i haven't been commenting on all of your beautiful blogs as often as i do usually.
It's certainly not that i don't like blogging anymore or i want to give up this blog, but it's simply the lack of time and some personal issues i have been dealing with...
I truly hope you still have 'faith' in this blog and that i will be 'back' and hopefully better than ever, very soon!
Second; i guess you've all seen the poll about the new header and also voted for it.
Lots of you voted for a new header, which i totally understand, because this one has been here for way too long.
But, i can't promise you there will be a new and beautiful header very soon, because that stupid lack of time again and the fact that i am so NOT good with computers and i really want a beautiful one this time that i am proud of and is really 'me' and 'Loveology'.
If there are readers who read this and are good with computers and want to help me out a little, i would be forever grateful! Just leave me a comment!
Third; I wanted to ask you about what you think about putting adverts on Loveology.
I have always though i would never ever advertise on Loveology, because i wanted this blog to be ad-free and not ruined by ugly adverts that would annoy people and let them decide to not visit anymore because of the ads.
However, i have been getting a question from a reader who wants to advertise on Loveology and i have to admit that this made me doubt about it for a few weeks now.
I find your opinions very important, so i'd love to know what you think about advertising on Loveology.
Would you matter? Would it annoy you? Would you decide to not visit anymore or would you simply don't mind at all?

Okay, ENOUGH talking!
Talking too much was never Loveology's thing
and i guess it will never be.
Over to the beauty...
I only just found this brilliant site 'Supermarket',
which offers an amazingly big range of designstuff,
and the most beautiful things...
Take a look!
Walldesign from Elly Nelly

Cute Forest Friends Print from Petite Collage

Cutest eco friendly bag by .girlscantell.

I fell hopelessly in love...
with Laura George's drawings...

Of course, there's much more to find on Supermarket,
but i need to save something for other posts...
I found this great thing in the Dutch L'Officiel....
Designcheese. Haha, what's next?

Ooooh, i almost forget!
Spring has finally arrived here in Holland...
It's better than ever and it made me longing for beautiful summerdresses....
The RTW Spring 09 collection from Chloe...
has that ultimate springfeeling for me!

Okay, now it's time for some of my own pictures.
I bought some things....
Got some things....
Made some things...
My mother and i customised this cute COS wrap-thing a bit...
I am still busy cutting and pasting...
I received these amazing prints...
from Caitlin Shearer.
Aren't these the cutest buttons you've EVER seen?
I also bought some fabric.
I want to make a big summerbag from the grey linen,
and maybe the other cute fabric for inside the bag...?
I found this cutest owl
at a very BIG thriftshop!
I also bought a few shirts
and my mother gave me the green striped cardigan!
The collage on my wall.
It's getting bigger and bigger...
(Also see the first image of this post!)
I also received my cuties from the Vividotstore!
And...i made this bird.
I don't know what i am going to do with it yet...
I guess this is it for today, my sweet friends.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Lots of love from me and my furry friends. <3

(Pictures without credits from weheartit)
thank you! beautiful post.. chloe dresses and your new finds are adorable! -the buttons are my fav-
best, angie
You have the most amazing blog, it's probably my favourite blog, I find it so inspiring and thoughtful, you have created the most wonderful space here and I for one will be right here looking forward to your posts - everyone needs to take time out every now and again.
I wouldn't find it at all offensive if you had some adverts and it wouldn't stop me from visiting your blog - I enjoy my visits here far too much.
Finally, I would be more than happy to do a banner for you - we can discuss the deails in an email if you like.
Have a fabulous weekend dear Mila, and enjoy the spring:)
Ik zou reclame helemaal niet storend vinden hoor! Leuke post weer! Vooral je aankopen! En ChloƩ!<3 En je wand!
ohhh so many wonderful things!!!!
hello, dearest mila.
you absolute sweetheart, i do not think anyone ever ever will stop reading your blog or mind if you are taking teeny breaks from the blogging world because life can be ever so hectic sometimes. i am terribly guilty of neglecting mine for a long time now. i must make a new post this week, but so so much work to do!!!
also i would not mind one bit if you had adverts. it certainly wouldnt put me off at all. i used to think the smae as you about how they can be terribly ugly, but after seeing some on gorgeous blogs recently i have started to reconsider...
it is spring here too dearest!!! although not quite ready for pretty sundresses. but i must start searching and saving now. i cannot wait!!
your wall collage is beautiful :) i wish to make one with my little brothers scribbles and drawings, and some vintage postcards i found, when i move into my new house. yours is so inspiring with many wonderful things!!
you and your mothers customisation is so cute, and so lovely you did it together :) and i adore your latest finds, such dreamy tops, and oh my goodness!!!! i n e e d that owl!!!!
gorgeous post as always, gorgeous girl. do not feel guilty either :)
love love love this blog and have been reading for quite some time.
Just stopping to comment to say that I don't think adverts would be bad at all, especially if you choose shops that you like or you think fit well with the blog. It would not break up the aesthetic of your page at all, and I understand that blogging does take up precious time as well and you should have some extra pieces of change for tea and fabrics and other things that bring you happiness.
The owl buttons are amazing! I love them! I want them! *
I wouldn't mind some adverts.
Btw, that striped cardigan is from HEMA right? ♥
I work there for a year, they always let me work with the fashion :)
I love are those creamy colours integrated into everything. It makes me so happy because it reminds me of summer. I love how you've arranged the photos on your wall, it's really creative.
i really like the various ribbons. their so pretty.
you have a really nice blog:)
you are a gem and should know that you style in general is absolutely beautiful. i adore everything about this.
you're so lovely mila. advertising won't bother me at all, i was actually thinking about putting some on mine as well when i have enough numbers of readers. have a great weekend! x
I know you must hear this all the time, but I love your blog so much. I even like to open it on days when there's no new post just to peruse and listen to the music. Thank you for often bringing a bright spot into my days.
Hi Mila,
Post when you can-when you feel it. I will never stop visiting. I could look at one of your posts over and over again- a little dreamland over here in loveology.
Go for the adverts. Try them out, I don't think they will change a thing!
Hearts and golden eggs,
I don't mind you advertising, I'll keep on reading your posts anyway.
Habe a beautful blog, sweetie.
i think whatever you decide to do with your lovely blog will be wonderful as always.
I wouldn't stop coming to your blog if you had advertisements. I really like how "frolic" does it. "Oh happy day" does a nice job too. But frolic's method is nice because she introduces "sponsors" and is careful to make sure they go with her blog. I always ejoy your blog, and the music you have playing goes perfect! -Nixa
Oh Mila, take the time you need for yourself. We'll all still be here anxiously awaiting your next beautiful post, not to worry! I wouldn't mind avertisements either :)
I just love the beautiful simplicity of the Chloe collection and all your new aquisitions are adorable. I really love the colors in your thrifted owl!
Take care gorgeous!
Hey Mila,
i didn't comment your blog for a long time either, but i vote for no ads, for the simple reason that they are everywhere, and finally, blogs like yours are a preserved place to dream and look at beauty, only beauty, no commercials..
have a great weekend :)
dearest Mila, i have to agree with everyone else, your blog is so wonderful, and it's really doesn't matter if you put some ads in it. post as often as you like, i will always come back here...
Well,, I care not for a little ad if you wish to, your blog has too many lovely little things to pay attention to, a small ad doesn't do any harm. :)
btw, I absolutely adore your college wall,, I wish mine looks like yours too, but it's covered with the old floral printed wallpaper now.....
Hope you are well dear.xx
to my mind, you have the most gorgeous blog, you coloured my life ervery day, your place is just a lull, if the advert is a great link, I don't know a beautiful shop it's a good thing, so let your blog like a dream, like a beautiful painting... have a lovely week end sweetheart
Life has been getting in the way of my blogging and commenting too, but I still love to come here and get a pure hit of loveliness!
PS. If you can control the ads that appear on your blog, and they are nice people, then why not?
Mila dear...ads aren't bad at all, well to me that is...as long as they are tastefully done...either way I shall continue to enjoy your visual delightsss... ~SMILEs*
What a beautiful post darling<3 I love the fabric you bought, I'm sure the bag you will make will be gorgeous. And I don't mind advertising! If you want to put up a add or two it wouldn't matter, as long as it isn't something flashy horrible pop-up xD
Kiss Kiss
Mila your blog is very beautiful, i just love it...
I`m new on this i want a create my own blog but now i`m just seeing how to start (my english isn't good, sorry)
I love your style is so inspiring, i visit your blog every day in the morning and makes me happy all this amazing things.
Love your music some songs are my fav. and it's great found them in this site.
from argentina
die picknicktafel - nu met het mooie weer inzicht kan het eindelijk
I love your blog...i think it really depends on whether adverts will start changing your content or not. if they are just there, then thats okay. if you start writing on things that you don't truly believe or find beautiful for your own reasons, then it starts being an issue.
for some reason i believe you'll do the right thing.
I am terribly jealous of your owl. I Adore owls so much!!!
I''m gonna need that little bird, cos it is so freakin; cute!! This is a great post, so full of stuff, i love it. great finds, cute customizing, and the little owls and the big owl1! ahhh love it allll. x
its caitlin shearer.
im glad those prints got to you safely!
however, i was wondering where you got those other prints on your wall from?
did you buy them from my etsy? because i dont sell 'secrets' in a size like that.
so it made me a little curious.
I'm actually quite at home in Photoshop in specific and computers in general. I'd be happy to help you out with your header.
as for the advert doubt - i dont know what to say... do what you feel in your gut! simple...
and cats are so cute! i love them... pretty little fuzzy cutties!
Hello dear,
I know you had a lot of volunteers to help you with your header, but just in case you still are looking for any assistance, I'd be absolutely delighted to help create a header for Loveology!
If you'd like an idea of my graphic design work, I actually just happened to upload a bunch of my former work (none too recent I'm afraid) to my Flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/susannacole :)
Hope you are well my dear! <3
Hello lovely Mila :)
You should definitely advertise if you want to. Your blog is so popular, I'm sure there would be a lot of people wanting to put an ad on here. I've been wanting to have advertising on my blog too but I am going to wait until my followers has reached 200, just to make it seem reasonable or something, i don't know haha xx
As long as the advertisement related to your blog and weren't to in your face, I doubt i'd really notice.
and not visiting Loveologoy? not an option.
I really want those owl buttons... they would also be really cute on thumbtacks.
you always find the most beautiful things!
Thanks, I'll put yours up now. Hope you have a great week too! x
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