(^Emma Cassi
worked and designed
during her own exhibition
at Galerie Le Doux Dimanche.
Her work never
disappoints me.)

(Hiroshi Kato art.)
Above and below:
exhibitions from the archive.

Galerie Le Doux Dimanche.
Dans Japan.
Mais oui.
Mais oui.

Besides famous artist
Natalie Lete,
(more about her later)
there are many other
talented creatives who can get
a spot in Gallery LDD.
Good for them!
Even better for us.

I LOVE the joyful exhibition
by Nathalie Choux
& Lili Scratchy.
It's about their 'Magique Ceramique'.
(It is already over though.)

I just saw Lili Scratchy also had
her own personal exhibition!

(Magique Ceramique blog.
Lili's blog. Nathalie's website)
Some time ago,
the people of LDD
made a small, cozy library
right in the shop.

And with books about
artist atelier's and eclectic
interiors from all around the world,
I'd spend there a good couple of hours,
I'm afraid.

books, and books.

Don't think you can only find
books over at gallery LDD.
There's a great selection of items
from the (not yet) VERY famous artists!


(Biyoux de la Tour Eiffel.)
ECLECTIC fashion. ♥

They even make
christmess look pretty!

(And I am so NOT into Christmas,
especially the mostly awful Christmas decorations.)

Past exhibitions.
Luckily we can see what
they looked like.
Quite heavenly,
Try to imagine a store,
completely filled
with all this stuff!

(Haju collage.)


(Yellow brightens).
I truly hope,
to arrive here some day
(not too far away)
to look at the windows
of Galerie Doux Dimanche.

(Place de Dimanche.
The blog.)
This is Paumes' site,
the publisher of the
global inspirational
interior books.
In English.
(The site, not the books.)
checking out more of kato & scratchy's work
your blog is so beyond wonderful
I love all the colors.
Your blog is amazing! Such an inspiration to mine! :-)
wow what a lovely post, there was so much to look at! I loved it!
Wow wow wow, zoveel details die vragen om opgeslorpt te worden, zoveel kleuren en talent en accenten! Galerie Le Doux Dimanche lijkt me echt een ongelofelijk inspirerende plek.
this is such a lovely post! I love it!
what a brilliant post, must be one of my favourites of yours ever! So much to see. That shop is just heavenly!
How I'd love to step inside.
Thankyou for sharing this inspiration darling it makes such a difference to me,
kat x
Thank you all so much, dear friends.
I truly appreciate your wonderful and kind comments. :)
Kat, thank you especially for always leaving such sweet comments that make me smile.
Readers like you are quite rare. ;)
great post,thank you so much...
so many lovelies in this post. paumes books are the best and my collection is getting bigger and bigger. all i have to do know is learn japanese! x
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