Ik heb het geluk gehad er al verscheidene keren geweest te zijn, en vooral m'n reis naar Senegal heeft een diepe indruk achter gelaten. De levensvreugde van die mensen daar is hartverwarmend, ik raad je echt aan om zodra je de kans hebt eens richting Zwart-Afrika te reizen - het is een streek met enorme verscheidenheid en zó, zóveel pracht.
omg. :) I'm from Ghana West Africa and I actually grew up there for 10 years before I moved to the US. It is absolutely beautiful in Ghana you should visit you will love it there...I also visited South Africa....and colorful is an understatement everything is just a spirit lifter!
I believe some of these pics come from Selvedge magazine. GREAT magazine...Pricey in print...they also have an on-line version of the magazine that's half the price. link: http://www.selvedge.org/
are you excited for the cup 2010?
here in brazil is a tradition
everybody stops the day to watch the games in a pub or whatever
i just love the cocacola's music for this cup, tha man is called K'naan
take a look.
Amazing pictures! I really like the colors...great post!
oh, these are so beautiful <3
Beautiful photos! Have you seen the movies "Out of Africa" and "I Dreamed of Africa"? Both beautifully filmed and great storylines as well.
ahh, i'll go with you hehe :)
Beautiful pictures, I want to go to Africa!! I love that skirt in the first picture, beautiful clothes!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
such BEAUTIFUL photos!!
i love africa. ive been fortunate to go to rwanda and the people are so beautiful. have a lovely weekend! xo.
The second one is SO beautiful!!!
Beautiful! I've been to North Africa but would love to go further South. Have a beautiful weekend!
Ik heb het geluk gehad er al verscheidene keren geweest te zijn, en vooral m'n reis naar Senegal heeft een diepe indruk achter gelaten. De levensvreugde van die mensen daar is hartverwarmend, ik raad je echt aan om zodra je de kans hebt eens richting Zwart-Afrika te reizen - het is een streek met enorme verscheidenheid en zó, zóveel pracht.
These are truly amazing photographs. I love the intensity of that women in the second photo.
love these photos! =)
omg. :) I'm from Ghana West Africa and I actually grew up there for 10 years before I moved to the US. It is absolutely beautiful in Ghana you should visit you will love it there...I also visited South Africa....and colorful is an understatement everything is just a spirit lifter!
Its in fact Brazil, Salvador, up north. thanks for the kind words..
Oh no that's so very stupid of me! I feel ashamed... ;)
I believe some of these pics come from Selvedge magazine. GREAT magazine...Pricey in print...they also have an on-line version of the magazine that's half the price. link: http://www.selvedge.org/
I have recently been having the same thoughts about Africa. We should just go ...
They're nice, anyway.
these are lovely images. So many beautiful people and bright colourful clothing.
thats what I was about to say , those were not taken in Africa.lol. But gorgeous photos still^^
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