

To me, this is ART.
♡ ☃ ✌ ✄ ♡

This illustration is called 'Don't want no small feet man'....
Hahaha, so funny and SO true!

Who doesn't want to put her underwear in the bag of this 'Solitary Man'?

I LOVE the 'Ugly Faces'...

Hmm...I think I 'need' to get myself one of these amazing lockets, designed by fricdementol, in collaboration with Catherine Ivins from OliveBites.

Look at her amazing shop with loads of friccing cool lockets!

ps. On a totally different note...
I have been working on a quite big post about ME.
Well, actually more about my stuff, my home,
the new boots I've bought,
the things I've made...
However, something feels not right about that post.
It just doesn't work for me,
so I'll be working on it until it feels right for me.
Just so you know, something more personal is coming your way...


Sara Downton said...

ooh those lockets are so sweet!
a post about you sounds lovely lovely :)
hope you're well!

heleen said...

Ahhh, dit is fantastisch! Ik hou van de verschillende patronen die ze gebruikt, geeft haar tekeningen echt een vrolijk karakter :)

ps; over je persoonlijke post, overhaast niets! :) ik snap hoe moeilijk het is jezelf trouw te blijven als je persoonlijke dingen op t internet post. ik kijk er in elk geval naar uit!


Anonymous said...

oh, they are just adorable. unique and quirky. also, your post about you sounds so lovely ♥

Anonymous said...

i can identify with your feelings about posts not feeling *quite right*. i've mistakenly posted those entries in the past. what i really should've done was to listen to those feelings.

anyhow, i'm looking forward to reading your big post when it's ready. :)

Linnea said...

Pretty awesome stuff! Love it (:

Erimentha said...


thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

a giant hug!
[[curious too and excited for the personal post :) ]]

Molly said...

Oh my! You are too kind.
Thank you.

I'm excited for the more personal post coming our way.
I do love your blog so very much! I have a list of links, but in all actuality, I only have a handful of favorites. Yours is one of them. Even though they are all similar with posts of lovely things, yours has always stood out for some reason.