
It's a white day today

^Luphia lace necklace and tunic.


you have to save the best for last.

(Lobster and Swan found via Decor 8)

Ps. A few new categories are going to appear regularly on Loveology, besides Art is LOVE and Little Lovelies.

- Shop Sweetheart (Surprising, lovely and original Etsy, Dawanda or other handmade shops will be featured in these posts.)

- Lovely Blog (In these posts I will be showing you one blog per post that caught my attention and I just have to share with you!)

- Interior Inspiration (Well, this one speaks for itselve. Interior is just my biggest LOVE...)

Also, I will be posting Fashion Finds, Wishlists and Personal Things like little things I wrote, bought and wore. However, these topics will not appear as regular on Loveology as the ones above.


MJ said...

Oh, how lovely!
I love the delicate lace and I would love to have one of those sofas. Unfortunately I am far too messy and clumsy to have white furniture like that :)
I am looking forward to all the new categories.
Have a great day!

Nanna Dís said...

Peaceful and beautiful pictures, remind me of Christmas snow..
Take care

muchlove said...

what beautiful white inspiration! so delicate and dreamy :)

happy weekend!

. said...

beautiful... your blog is so lovely and dreamy

Maia said...

This post makes me especially happy, since I am a lover of white in all its permutations.

Kimberley Brandsma said...

ah zo mooi! vooral de laatste foto inderaad;)

Pappelschnee said...

I'm looking forward to more interior inspiration!

heleen said...

Mhmm, deze post doet me naar sneeuw verlangen.

Rosa said...

Hi! I havnt visited in so long, i forgot how amazing your blog is. Beauty everywere!

iv missed it so!


Thorhildur said...

wow love the lace necklace

Emma said...

your blog is lovely, and I can't wait for some more interior posts!!

pumps & luiers said...

hou wel van witte cleane kamers, geven zo veel licht en rust

Every Little Counts said...

i thought that top was vintage...such delicate details. white is so romantic.

Cassandra Dias said...

The lace necklace is beautiful!

Sara Downton said...

these new categories sound lovely! i'm excited to see what you post :)
and this post is filled with beautiful things, as usual.

Unknown said...

what a lovely post mila, i love the tunic of luphia + the sofa near the table, i'll be moving furniture around this weekend for sure! thank you lovely... x

Sobinique said...

I love the necklace! Beautiful pictures!

A Beautiful Party said...

lovin' your blog! really glad you returned! thanks for all the inspiration.

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