
All those things in life....

......which cannot find their right places........

But I can now say I am starting to find mine!

Hello sweet, dear, honest and inspiring readers!

It's Mila again......it's been a while and I missed you all and the blog dearly.

Unfortunately I am not really 'back' yet, but I couldn't resist this little post to let you all know I am doing better every day (including the ups and downs, of course).

Sweet sweet guestbloggers Sara and Toni: you are both doing such an amazing job!

I feel so proud when I see your beautiful posts on Loveology.....I will be forever grateful!

Some beauty...

(From here and here)

So sweet....from Myetsyshop

I am still very much in love with beautiful crocheted lace...


Visit Pikaland! It is so inspiring...

This damn thing I am typing this on is not making me happy at all!
My computer broke down and can't be fixed (I've been told) so that's quite horrible.
I am now making this post on my very old laptop with Windows 98 (!!!!).
So unfortunately I am not able right now to create the nice post I wanted to create.

HOWEVER.... Lots and lots of ideas and new stuff will be added to both the blog and my little shop on Dawanda in the very near future.
I am VERY excited about all that and especially about the cute cute birdie hangings/mobiles made out of felt and decorated with all kind of nice thingies...
I'll try and make some pictures this week.

Before this whole thing crashes, I have to stop now and just post the thing.


But will be back soon.
Stay tuned, LOVERS!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog not a long time ago, bot absolutely love it! So I'm happy, that you feel better now and will be back soon. Wish you equanimity and optimistic thoughts.
(Sorry for my english!)

Kimberley Brandsma said...

fijn dat het weer beter met je gaat! ik heb je posts gemist<3

Piia Põdersalu said...

Reading your posts is such a treat!I started to follow just recently,I'm smitten!Keep up the good work,lot's of inspiration to you!

Sara said...

oh Mila, I miss you too!
I am sorry I am not posting as much as I would like to! But I am preparing a post!

I hope everything is okay with you! Lots of love and kisses x

heleen said...

Ahhh zo fijn om te horen dat het al wat beter met je gaat! Ik kijk uit naar de nieuwe dingen in je online winkeltje ^^

Anonymous said...


I missed you, I hope you liked my letter.

I'm going through something myself at the moment, so I'm writing a blog about it. Hope you find a minute.


Mirthe said...

ah, gelukkig gaat het beter met je! fijn om weer wat te horen!

anywheredreams said...

Oh, I miss you darling<3 I hope there will be more ups than downs in the future for you! I'm so happy you are doing better though and I can't wait to see you post some more;)

Nanigoat said...

I love how you make the simple look so beautiful. Hope things get better soon.

Pappelschnee said...

Good to have you back, even if it's just temporary. I hope you will be feeling fine real soon and I'm sending you all the best wishes and a truckload of happiness :)

suzy said...

I miss you!
I hope everything is going ok for you sweet girl.

darlingchatter123 said...

lovely blog :)

Nicole Tattersall said...

Loving reading your gorgeous blog!

So much so I've added it to my weeks 'Top 10 Sites/Blogs to Visit This Week' the list is in the side panel of my blog http://www.nicoletattersall.blogspot.com


pumps & luiers said...

hope your back soon, blij met de nieuwe update

Eyeliah said...

Nice to see a post up. :-) Hope to see more soon.

Pikaland said...

Thanks for linking to Pikaland Mila! Love your blog – it's so inspiring as well!

Toosdai said...

waiting with bated breath for your return!

Unknown said...

Oh dear. I hope your computer problems get sorted out very very soon. I look forward to more pretty posts. Take care Mila.

oh, hello friend. said...

i missssssss you dear friend! hope you're doing well!! let's chat soon!

xo. danni
oh, hello friend.

Drew said...

Mila, it’s wonderful to see your post today.
Best wishes and happy days.

Robin said...

Hope you feel better soon. Will look forwards to your lovely posts!


Anonymous said...

so much cuteness, I can't even stand it :)