Helloooo sweethearts!
I know it has been way too long. I'm sorry.
I will come up with something to make it up.
Some time SOON.


As you can see, i worked a bit on the blog.
I am not satisfied yet (at all!) but i do like the fact that it's different, cause that's what i wanted...
I am posting waaaay to less lately. Have to change that....but some things on my mind seem to stand in the way...
Of course i found some nice things again, at least...they made me happy, once again. So i hope you like them too! ;)
Hannah and Landon.
Not that 'cute', more interesting.... why? Noo idea, they just are.
Bet you all know this couple already, but nevertheless i wanted to share some of their photographs and some of Hannah's drawings... Love their work...

Oh....don't think my 'Zakka-obsession' is over...haha oooh no!
I think it's just getting started! ;)
I guess you may all know Rakuten, that BIG Japanese store, or whatever you call such a thing as Rakuten.
When you click on Stationery in their webshop, you don't know what's happining!
They have a truly amazing collection of all kinds and brands of stationery!
It's heaven, believe me. If you can fall in love with a notebook or diary as i can, you just cannot deny Rakuten...
For example:
Sweetness from this shop!

Ooh! And when you realise that 1000 Japanese Yen is only 7,50 euro, it only get's better! (International shipping is also around that price, a little more....)
Something totally different, but nearly as important...
I think i just found the cutest and prettiest cuddly toy EVER!

Handmade by the (of course) Japanese designer Chikro.

By the way, i found Chikro via the most lovely blog with a huuuuuge amount of great links: Tania!
(I really, really have to post / blog more often. I have so many things saved everywhere on my PC...i just don't know where to start and what to post now and what later and what fits together in one post.....whaaaa!
I think i'll just have to give up on the idea Loveology is ever going to be as pretty and organised as for example one of my fave's: Oh, hello friend!
I already have to go now, but i just wanted to add a little post for you dear readers!
Of course i am curious what you think about the new stuff i added to the blog!
Also, i am thinking about making some 'internal' changes to the blog also. It just feels like Loveology needs to 'grow up' a bit. So, when you have ideas about that or tips maybe or anything that comes to your mind, just leave me a comment.
Every single one of them is always greatly appreciated.
From the

aw Mila, so lovely to see you back!
hi -
...good to have you back!
love your blog - my favourite!
hugs from moa in norway
Ik vind Loveology juist wel leuk omdat het soms zo'n rommeltje is - gewoon een hele massa aan prachtige dingen... voor mij hoeft er niets te veranderen!
I love the new design
Love love love the wallpaper and the lighting in those photos you picked is just amazing. x
All things wonderful. I really like Hannah's drawings, they are interesting--I especially find the last one favorable because you'd never think to draw something so ordinary as stretching so beautifully done. :) Change is good, nice background!
hello mila :)
if you need any help with the blog layout, please do not hesitate to contact me. i can always help you with it :)
The drawings are very pretty and profound! I like it.
I know what your going through, with perfecting your layout. It's so hard, to get it just the way you want, isn't it? :/
welcome back! your blog is always such a JOY to read
glad your back :) and everything looks so lovely on this post, and i'm loving the new look too ♥
The change is bad because is very difficult to read like before, i preffer black over white
sorry,i only speak a little few english, but i understand all....maybe :)
i love your blog
xxx from spain
great to have you back.i really love the changes you've made to the blog, and that toy:)have a nice week.
Mila, Enjoy your blog....
nice wallpaper, could you make the font (letters) a little larger please. I have to use my glasses each time to read the small print. thank you
Well, I like your blog even more. The background is lovely, it is more cute now. I think that is the way you want it to be.
Some more posts would be great, you always inspire me, lovely girl.
I think the background is gorgeous and really suits your blog. Your posts really are inspirational. You seem to like birds, so you could try doing a banner with birds, although the banner up right now is really pretty.
It's lovely, the new look! The background is soft and dreamy, very sweet. I always love what you post here. I can't wait to see more of those things you have to share with us! <3
Mila your blog is awesome!!!
Hannah & Landon's foto's bekijk ik altijd op flickr, ik wist niet dat ze ook een blog hebben 8)
♥ ♥
Lovely things, as usual! i love that patchwork toy hippopotamus...if it is, in fact, a hippopotamus :)
Hey Mila,
I really love the things you post but your blog is so 'busy' now with the colored background, since you -usually- post colored pictures too...
But do whatever you feel that's right! :)
I'm so happy to see you posting again ^^ Missed your posts so much! As I said in the mail, the new layout if lovely, I really love the flower pattern in the background:)
WOW! I LOVE love Love the new layout and wallpaper!! It makes it so fun to read. It's really, really pretty!!
i love your blog!
beautiful handmade objects... i also have a love of paper cranes as i see you do too :)
How has it been so long since the last time I have stopped by your blog, my dear?! I love your new header, it's very cute. I hope all is well!
Hi Mila, thank you for the kind words! your blog is lovely.
I love that first picture! So very sweet. :)
Hope you're well!!
Aw, this is such a lovely blog! I will have to visit frequently...love all the lace! :D
Mila :) How have you been, dear? I love this post-great pictures, the first picture of the girl in the bed is so cute/funny :P
xox, mavi
I think your blog looks lovely Mila :)
:) cute too cute cudly toy! me want one... and as for the blog design, well it takes time :) at least took me quite some time...
yes! You were missed! and I like the update!
* love the new look * :)
flowery and deer like
Your blog looks lovely! Off course it looked lovely before too :)
so lovely!!
oh Mila, my dear
it's so weird that you go
but i hope everything is ok with you!
by the way i feel very honoured to be in your addictive list
stay dandy
Lovely blog you have, i like the first picture. Glad to have such a link.
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what a wonderful collection of links and images, thanks.
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