I found Jane Schouten on Flickr and was immediately surprised by the beauty of her home, the art she makes and her shop i will definitely visit some day soon...
This is her shop!
Lucky me that she is Dutch and her shop is in The Netherlands!
Her home....

Her collection of tins....

Even her Christmastree is amazing...

Her ART work....

For this great thing...
you will definitely need all the luck in the world!

Visit the magnificent Oh, hello friend and see what amazing Etsy items you can win...
I will definitely give it a try!

(via Lolita)
One last, but IMPORTANT thing:
There's this lovely girl, named Leah Murray, who is putting together a short film.
The film is based upon the song 'This Little Light'. A film that asks only one question; what one thing would make the world a better place?

Leah is looking for contributors that want to be involved in this lovely, little project.
The idea is to film yourself while lighting a candle and answering the question mentioned earlier before.
Simple, but honest and touching.

If you are interested to contribute,
you can contact Leah via her emailaddress: ellerae @ live . com
EDIT AGAIN (stupid me!) : above the right emailaddress you can contact Leah through, the link didn't seem to be working!
wow i love all of that
its so incredibly creative ,
We Were Damsels
i hope that my house can be as beautiful as hers when i grow up. A hodge podge of beautiful things...
i especially love that christmas tree!
I love her home :)
SO cozy & so cute with all her stuff....
Geweldig zeg!
Jane Schouten is echt geweldig. Mooie dingen maakt ze en haar eigen huis is ook erg pretty. xx
Love these! And I love the idea of filming people while lightening a candle<3 How wonderful!
So much creativity and inspiration..i was literally going wow..oooh..all the way through..
So pretty! I love the necklace display on the wall <3
ah ik wil ook van die mooie blikjes<3 dat idee van Leah Murray is echt heel gaaf
thank you! omg, this is amazing!
i love that patio!!!
Wow, I really love that 60s-style display cabinet in the first photo, and the patio garden is heavenly! Gorgeous photos.
These are all so lovely and unique. Great images!
Great post. Your blog is so beautiful.
the christmas tree is beautiful, so inspiring.
The christmas tree--it is beautiful.
dear milla
I had already seen this Christmas tree but not the rest of the flat which is amazing!
I love the necklaces on the wall! beautiful... When I go back to the Netherlands, i'll be sure to pop by her shop :)
How have you been? It's been an age since I have gone on your blog!
Maria C
wowww what an amazing and inspiring home. x
a wonderfully fat post.
The link you posted to Leah's film site (or whatever site she has) does not seem to go anywhere. Is there any chance you could pass on the URL or something; I am very interested in this.
Thank you, sweetheart!
(your site is lovely, as always)
Very whimsical!
Lovely :0)
Georgous. That's the right word I can find to say.
Love the blog!
"Chris is Starving!"
What an amazing tin collection and such an inspiring home! Also, that film sounds like it has the potential to be something really beautiful :)
The short film sounds like an amazing idea, and a thought-provoking one.
As always, the photographs are exquisitely lovely!
You've got a lovely and inpiring blog !! congratulation!
thanks so much for posting a mention of my project on here sweetheart.
girls, if any of you'd like to be involved please contact me at, the email address posted up there isn't mine!
Hi, I am from Brazil ,I love your blog, I have a blog on tb craft in general and now I'm offering my readers to download the magazine found the net,, visit me, and also appears in my online shop Maison Carré by Tita,, kiss.
heavenly! i think i need to go thrift shopping again... x mady
i remember seeing that christmas tree once before and just being so amazed by how creative a way that is to celebrate, but her house i have never seen and i can't believe that!
it is so beautiful, goodness,
inspired by mila again!
x ashley
LOVE the interior!! Could almost not take my eyes away!! So awesome!! Love love love it!!!
Thanks for sharing ^^
oh my... beautiful stunning and im in love :)
Love the tin collection!
What a lovely little space above. I like all the little collections against the white background. It really makes the colors pop.
oooh! so much inspiration in one little home.
so wonderful! The patio is perfect.
oh my gosh, i was going to mention things i liked about her home but the list included every single thing! so beautiful.
Thank you for posting this Mila!
And thank you all for your comments!
Thanks for your blog!!
I love it, is an ispiration for me ;)
Hi Mila!
Ik kwam via Igor+Andre op jouw blog. Ik ben een groot fan van die tekeningen en zag dat ze meerdere bloggers hadden getekend, waaronder jou dus! Wat leuk dat een Nederlandse als jij zo bekend bent geworden in de bloggerswereld. En heb je om de tekening gevraagd of is was het niet jouw idee?
Ik ga eens even je blog goed bekijken. Ik ben zelf ook sinds kort begonnen met bloggen. Any tips?
Liefs, Suusje Q.
oh i just tried to post a comment but i don't think it went through!
anyway, what i said was that this is a gorgeous, sweet post. i love the photos of that cluttered colorful house/shop. i want to live there! or at least visit...
Your blog is magnificent!
Ik heb 'm ontdekt via thefabulouslifeofsuusjeq. :)
Je gaat in mijn favorietenmapje. :)
Such a gorgeous use of colour!! Love the vibrant fabrics!
Your blog is so beautiful !
It's so wonderful, thank you for inspiration.
Amazzzzing peach coloured kitchen dresser and what a great idea for a film!
What beautiful photos...I love the necklaces hung on the wall- and all of the clean and bright colors. I hope you are well lovely- I miss you!
♥ ♥ ♥
p.s. I will be in Europe at the end of August through whenever I run out of money (hopefully doing an Au Pair program in spain in October) so we should meet up somewhere and have coffee and take photos and explore.
That is a wonderful idea, I would love to be a part of Leah's project!
That is one incredible christmas tree! I think I'd miss having a more traditional one though. Her home is beautiful, I like the oriental theme running through.
oh wow, I love her outdoor area!
I love her work too!!
OKAY!!! totally addicted and inspired! Thanks for sharing! :) just came across your blog today and I love it!! :))
Wonderful post. All those pics are so lovely. Thanks for the link to Jane Schouten and her wonderful home and pretty things. Leah's project sounds very inspiring too.
Luck (also called fortuity) is a chance happening, or that which happens beyond a person's control.
been a fan of her work for a while. she's got a fantastic sense of style.
hello gorgeous mila :)
these photos are gorgeous!!! my room has just been decorated, and there are so many wonderful ideas here!!! i particularly love the picture with the photos and necklaces hanging underneath :)
dearest, i have left you an award on my blog :) i hope you like it!!
i hope you are well and smiling!!
wish my house looked like that!!!
wow. so cute. it reminds me of swedish (I think?) blogger underbaraclaras home
I love her home, especially the garden(is it a garden...?). And HAHA, that's one cool Christmas tree.
Have nice Weekend lovely!
Will have to pinch the idea for hanging up your necklaces on hooks :)
And a great idea for the short film!
Do you think you can put it on your blog once it is finished?
I would love to see it!
B xx
Your pictures are amazing; I love it!
Please consider adding my blog to your blogroll: http:/
It'd be greatly appreciated!
lovely pictures!
your blog is absolutely one of my favorites. :---)
that house is amazing!!
this house is so creatice!!!
ladyplay from paris
Absolutely beautiful and inspiring post Mila! You are fabulous!!!!
i love the chairs
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