This is 'the Habits Tag'!
(Since i have a polaroidcamera now which i love love love, i am now really into Lomography! I am on the hunt for a Holga camera now. So i decided to visit my beloved Flickr once again and post a Holga picture with every 'habit'...)
1. Clothes shop: Hmm...i wish i could say that it was a hard decision between Marni and Balenciaga, but unfortunately my budget isn't able to pay for that, so i have to be honest and say that i mostly shop at H&M.

2. Furniture shop: Well, this is not an easy one, i have some things from Ikea, but to name it my favourite! I'd like to say thrifted furniture is my favourite, so my answer will be: thriftshop.

3. Sweet: Ice cream, definitely! Needless to say, Ben&Jerry's 'Phish Food' is my absolute favourite.

4. City: I haven't been in many great city's i absolutely want to go to, so i name two i am dying to see in real life: Nairobi and New York.
New York


5. Drink: Also a difficult one, water is my number 1, but i also really enjoy a good café au latte, a nice cup of tea and a good glass of dry white wine.

4. 3.
2. 1.
6. Music: Too much to name, but Nouvelle Vague is the first coming to my mind now.

7. TV Series: Definitely Prison Break.

8. Film: Ooh, so many, but let's say American beauty.

9. Workout: Hahahaha, only yoga baby!

10. Pastries: Hmm, all sorts of pastries, whenever they're sweet and good looking!

11. Coffee? Yes! But with lots of milk.

I hereby tag: Annah from Adventures in lo-fi land (latest great discovery!), Morphidee and Sophie-Jade from Sweet dreams till sunbeams find me.
(Btw, i am working on a post which includes my latest polaroids, the newest Lula magazine and some Ebay stuff i received!)
And once again a great post!
I really like your blog and so i will link you... if it doesn´t matter? ;-)
where are you from in the niederlande? ;-)
Mmmmm, phish food! Love how you paired your habits with great photography, wonderful idea!
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you are fantastic!!!
really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
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I love the first polaroid =]
i really loved this post ! <3
You and I have a lot of commons!
I'm dying for Ben&Jerry lol I'm living in New York, I listen Nouvelle Vague a lot! (this is not a love song!) and finally, I even have American Beauty DVD! lol
oooh lovely Blog Mila - you give me a little daily inspiration at dreary work! :-)
super! ik heb zelf ook een holga, pas mijn eerste rolletje volgeschoten, ben benieuwd naar wat er uitkomt:D
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