
LOVE & Tagged & LOVE

I have been tagged by Sarahtay of this lovely, newly discovered blog Simply Sporadic. Thanks lovely!

The rules:

Link back to the person who tagged you.
List six little things that make you happy.
Tag six bloggers and let them know they’re “it”.

Well, this tag shouldn't be too difficult, since I just LOVE so much ;)!

Note: The things in this list are in random order. So, number 1 is not the most important to me etc.

1. Creating little things.

I just can't get over how lovely it is to have your own, little shop.
It's not about selling tons of stuff or earning BIG money.
It's about creating the things you love, having that special feeling of really having something that's yours (the shop) and also offering your handmade goodies to others, of course.
I made some new things...and listed them on my shop!

2. The 'Blogging-World'.

I don't know if i can explain it properly, but it just makes me really happy.
All those blogs, all those beautiful things people show and write about, people sharing the important and ordinary, daily things about their lives....but the most important thing is the amazing KINDNESS, respect and true care people show for each other around here. It truly touches me and makes me really happy!
Thank you all for that so, so much!

It feels a little bit like this sometimes...

Or more like this?

(Cute birds By Ann Wood at Etsy)

3. Spending time with my mum.

Just being with my mum, while already living apart for more than 9 years now, is always 'Special Time' to me. This amazing bond we have with each other and the fact i can tell her everything means the world and more to me!
Also, it's so amazing we can share so many things with each other, because we are so alike in many different ways. My love for beautiful things, seeing beauty in lots of things, loving to create and decorate...i have this from her! I am so grateful to her for many things in my life, but this time for that special thing she gave me.
Mom, I love how we can share our love for the Beauty in the world!

Last weekend, I made some photographs of her stuff!
She really inspires me....that's just the truth, although i won't be surprised when she thinks i only say that to be sweet to her.

She recently bought this gorgeous skirt in Switserland!

4. W!

Not too many words here.
Because he's ALWAYS there.
And because he let's me see and makes me believe...

5. Collecting beautiful things!

Love these new fabrics...from a Thriftshop.

And my lace collection is getting bigger and bigger...

6. My latest 'obsession': ZAKKA!

I already heard about Zakka before and saw some things on Etsy and Dawanda that people called Zakka. A few days ago, I went on a big Internet search for Zakka stuff and I fell in love. Completely.

I found a lots of websites with a LOT of Zakka products, but since this Zakka things is Asian (mostly Japanese I believe) the websites are also in Asian languages! I searched my *** off, but I can't find a button on any of those websites to translate them into English! Google translator isn't really doing it's job well, either.

So, if any of you is, or can read Japanese or Korean, PLEASE HELP ME OUT, before I go completely nuts! I already emailed the people from two specific websites, but they don't mail me back...GRR!

This website is just heaven....in every single way...

(I am dying to buy this one! It says sold out in English on the website, but nothing else on the site is in English and i want to buuuuuuuyyyy things!!!)

Handmade Zakka items from Japanese blogs and websites...

In the meantime I DID find an online store in ENGLISH where you can purchase the dreamitems from 'and Spring...'.
Only....the store is located in Australia, so that means a lot of shipping costs.
However, no complaining, i finally found a way to at least purchase one of the beauties.
Oh, and they have some gorgeous wallpapers on the site to download!

The question is now: WHAT item shall I buy?

Luckily on both Etsy and Dawanda are great Zakka items for sale too!

For example at this and this Etsy shops.
And this and this Dawanda shops!

My mom bought some very pretty stamps in London...so i wanted to try them out too...

(While creating this post I purchased several things....bad me...and there's also a great stampset that will be mine very soon, co I can make lots of nice and personal cards to send with my orders!)

Oh, and don't forget about our good old Ebay!
I recently won these items, which are on it's way to me now! ;)

You must take a look at this amazing Ebayshop!
You just fall in love with the goods she sells...and the way the seller shows her stuff...she certainly did a great job! <3

^ Isn't this the sweetest? I really love it! :)

Before I forget!!
I hereby tag these 6 lovers to also do this tag:

Kim, Angelaaaaa, Heather, Hollie, Missa and Heleen db!

LOVE this little Bambi mom gave me!

This is coming your way...


(and many, many more...)